Friday, December 11, 2015

Major League Soccer Expansion to Rochester. The Empire Statesmen

They could even do exhibition or rotation with Syracuse and Albany.  The area is one of those passionate pockets of the international game of football, aka soccer.  I know that many high schools in the Upstate enclaves don't have enough students to field a high school football program, especially north of Albany.  Western NY might not have as much a problem with that, but nonetheless, in Rochester, while I have no figures before me, there are probably more teenagers per capita playing soccer there than a lot of the nation.

It should get more consideration from MLS.  With the whole per capita I mentioned and ambiance soccer minded people are aware of, I'm a little surprised the Carolina region isn't getting much love looks from the league either.  I would've figured them before Atlanta.  But anyway... .

With the western and upstate New York areas, and an occasional match played in Syracuse or Albany, I believe the imposing name of Empire playing big time against Boston's hubbed brand and the rest of the country would kick some ass.

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