Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The NBA in Montreal. And Paris. Internationale Monarchs

I'd wager, as a fellow in my thirties, I won't live to see the NBA in Montreal.  I'll likely see it in Seattle again and in the new digs of Louisville.  Nope, not Montreal.  I might've even mentioned a shared team between Vancouver and Montreal called "North Country", for more than one sport actually.  Flights, LumberJacks, the Nord Force, you name it.

But I know that the leagues like the eventuality of branching out across bodies of water into the western world.  My brain recalls the NBA talking of this well before the NFL.  So, yeah, throwing London or Paris into a mix seems like a desire.  I think the Celtics part-timing it in Belfast and Dublin from time to time would be most successful.  But I'm not talking about Ireland and the United Kingdom at this moment.  I'm thinking for the likes of Africa and the French speaking world, including the second largest French speaking city, Montreal.

Paris is twice the size of Montreal and the population combination for them both is around 15 million folks.  And French is spoken in more than 3 continents, and only one continent so far has the NBA and the other Big 4.

So what do you think of a team that wears an array of jerseys, sometimes saying "Internationale", some saying Monarchs, Montreal and/or Paris?  Think Arabs and Africans.  I bet you the Internationale name would garner a lot of attention in many places, especially in the field of apparel.

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