Saturday, November 1, 2014

West Coast team name in each of the Big Five Sports

Think of a place like Las Vegas.
Portland for hockey, football and baseball.
Los Angeles for football again.

Think of all of the cities that could do the soccer gig.  Like Phoenix and Vegas.

Existing teams that could expand their brand, in name and place.  Just call it "West Coast":
Sacramento.  Call it West Coast Kings instead.  Example:  Play in Sacramento AND Las Vegas.  Boom.  Money.
Chivas.  Yawn,, how about something like the West Coast Emperors.  And places like Vegas can share a MLS team.
Oakland A's expanding their brand.
And Raiders
The NHL's Kings or Coyotes.  The Ducks are plenty for home games in the L.A. area.  That place, despite football, is a ball hog and puck hog like New York.
NBA Logo Redesigns <click here>

 West Coast Clippers doing time in Hawaii and Alaska on occasion.  San Diego and Seattle.  Vegas.  On and on.  Look at the American sports map.  And look at who is missing out.

Is the "West Coast" idea enticing?
 See more expansion and relocation blabbing for football, baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer on my blog (starting in Feb 2014, see table of contents/archive):  Major League/Pro Expansion <CLICK> 
And please feel free to contribute your two cents with mine. 

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