The Biggest Calls for New Big League Teams in the Big Five
MLB in Portland and Charlotte
Can't the A's and Rays just vacate or co-locate with these towns now?
The NFL in Toronto, Portland and Los Angeles
It's time for Toronto to shit on our pastime. Like the World Series in '93. I'm just being cute. And it won't hurt the CFL. It will in fact be a sort of national team (full of mercenaries) playing their home games camped throughout coast-to-coast Canada.
If there were to be only a two-team expansion I would say a team should play in Portland and Los Angeles under the umbrella name of West Coast. If a four team expansion, I would still call for a West Coast share that included Las Vegas, but balance would also have Louisville.
Cannot the Raiders and Jags commit this justice of balanced movement?
NBA in Seattle and Louisville
Whenever it would happen. Seems like more talk of contraction for the basketball league these days.
West Coast Clippers could include places like Las Vegas and Seattle if they camped out with a new name.
80 miles from San Antone and twice as further to Houston lies Austin. Name for this team? Austin Texans. Texas United. Texas Divided. Texas Republic. Heart Texas ? ? ? ? ? |
MLS in Austin
When is the Big Leagues going to land in this up-and-comer. They are teased about big-time sandwiched between San Antonio, the big D and Houston.
Whataya' think of calling the club "The Band of Texans"?
And what about the first major Big Five Sport in Mexico to be MLS Monterrey ?
For the bigtimes in general, a good east-central-west balance for big five newbies would be Louisville, Austin and Las Vegas.
NHL needs Portland, Seattle and more Great Lakers
Great Lakers (your choice: Milwaukee, Cleveland, Indianapolis and/or Cincinnati)
I would love this to be a region's own travel franchise. The northwest-west could do the same with Portland-Seattle-Vegas.
Blandly speaking 40 home games could be split a number of ways. For instance, in the Great Lakes Region: 10 games in each of the cities. Or, since Columbus wears Ohio hockey already, let 15 games take place in Wisconsin and Indy while the corners of Ohio get to showcase 5 home camp skates a piece. I would even like to see any combination with exhibition games fermenting the Great Lakes or Northwest/West Coast namesake.
I believe this to be a shake-up for the better in sports world North America. It amounts to more people, space and coverage.
Click ----> INDEX to see combinations of teams and travel teams
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