Sunday, January 28, 2024

Las Vegas Athletics, but what could they be in the interim?

 No matter what, the fans can show up in whatever homejob t-shirts and tell lawyers to piss off.

So, if Sacramento has a bigger market in terms of television and TV market eyeballs, how will they bolster their case for expansion if they show out and show up for hosting the Athletics while it takes years to get the ballfield built in Vegas.

Does the Capitol of California deserve shit for having too many ghetto dumbdumb voters and vein villain dicktasters, I mean dictators ?

Will fans wear Sacramento A’s shirts. Will they wear Utah Athletics hats?

Monday, January 1, 2024

I Got your NFL Minor League

 And it’s not XFL USFL. It shouldn’t be NCAA or NAACP gaslighting Noah or the arc.

So, the XFL played all the games in Birmingham, right? Legit question from me actually, but anyway. Didn’t seem like a need for repping a city, state or territory.

Why not a brand. It’s getting that way for all the sports anyway. Skip to it. For all the sports why not just do my Cincinnati Mercy Healths and Cincinnati Krogerses? Why flippin not. Sponsored by Human Services.

So, yeah. Do the Coca Colas in Atlanta for a minor league team in Atlanta. Do them all in Atlanta if need be. Dr. Peppers rivaling Coke or Mt. Dew. The NIL deals have shown all the illiterate ass.

Do games around tents on county fairgrounds. Let’s just not do more double negative 14th grade retardation on college fields.

Okay, okay, I’ll lighten up. Cincinnati Bang Gulls take on some Green Bay Backers. Or some Los Angeles Ma’ams v. Philly Beagles.