Wednesday, August 15, 2018

New York Emperors. A case for MLB near Buffalo

This is a northeast snapshot of Triple-A baseball.  The Red Sox of Road Island in there too.

The Buffalo Bisons have a major league convertible stadium.  And in the Buff region you have clubs and seats in Rochester and Syracuse.  That's a heck of a concentration.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Next from the Five

Here's the logical way I see it.

As I see it, it is deserved.  Not necessarily as it will happen....

But I spy some substantial Seattle, Toronto and Louisville smiles

Montreal getting their exposure back.  Portland in the NHL.  Canada can't snub the hockey love, but will it be Seattle first?  Not a lot of cyberspace debate about the hoop'lah.  No Fun League is interesting.  I think there's more to gain for the CFL to start by pretending coexistence, especially if Toronto gets an exclusive CFL pipeline

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

More Branding in the Bigs

I've blabbed it before.

I want to see the NFL in Louisville.  And I have the wedding photo album already kind of envisioned and the pics of our future babies.  They should be the Kentucky Downs.

But what if they wear "Kentucky Kingdom" across their chest on the jerseys.
But while on the subject of Louisville football, what might their helmets look like?

The biz is looking to eventually squeeze pennies and let them get away with as much as we'll let them.

click: Thuh' Cincinnati Kickball Jersey

In my newer MLS Fussbol Cincinnati post I talked about how the team should have something more relevant and locally flavored tuned onto the jersey.  I also mentioned how while Great American is the name of the ballpark, and though it sounds nifty, it's an insurance company.  But at least it sounds good and isn't a harsh blend, like naming my house Whatever Bank.

Perhaps subsidized ticket prices and a fan vote can ease the inevitable.  Can we at least pick?
The Browns can dawn jerseys every now and again that tout Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame.  Cincinnati can tout its Skyline or Gold Star.

Everyone gets 5 bucks off their ticket courtesy of marketing.