Thursday, February 9, 2017

Neighbors a Consideration for Major League Soccer?

Of course.  It's a business.  Franchises and cannibalism is a consideration everywhere.  Also, factored in is the reality of market saturation these days.

Minnesota: no intrastate or like a St. Paul team or next door team.
North Carolina or Carolina:  ditto
Atlanta:  south of the capital.  NHL failure.  Charlotte or Raleigh probably deserves a squad more.

Sacramento:  has San Jose as a neighbor.
San Antonio/Austin.  Houston not far.  Dallas in market.
Miami.  Oh well.
Tampa not really far from Orlando either.
Cincinnati:  Columbus essentially right down the street in same state.

Detroit:  wide open.
St. Louis has its KC neighbor
Nashville is as wide open as North Carolina.

Las Vegas is a nympho newbie.
Indiana empty.
Arizona empty.  Of course I mean the MLS level.
San Diego.  While there is two LA, again.
And again.

In line with much of my innovative expansion theme, one that is meant to fend of the hesitation for expanding boldly, I'll take an east/west exponential expansion look.  Looking east, I could see a Nashville and North Carolina combo-camp team.  I've blogblabbed it before:  Appalachia United Bootleggers.  Bootleggers United.
I could even do a Milwaukee and Cleveland Great Lakes brand.  Throw in Rochester.
Were I king, I could combine a combination of Sacramento, San Diego, Anchorage, Honolulu and/or Las Vegas as West Coast United.
Being even slicker, aside from considering the Arizona brand in Tucson, one could combine Arizona with central Texas or El Paso into a brand called The Wall.  Talk about inflaming passions.

San Diego butts up against a market, much in the way Cincinnati and St. Louis are?  Which markets and how much hardship does this put on them for their bids?

As reported by SI on its expansion city profile for Cinci:
Regarding Columbus, Garber said, “We’re trying to capture that soccer thing, which are neighborhood rivalries … Our rivalry games that we have are our highest-rated games on television and I don’t think—we’re not thinking about putting a second team in Columbus. We’re thinking about putting it in down the interstate so that you can get a bunch of people in buses and cars trying to prove that they’re better than their neighbor. Should we decide to come here it will be creative and of great benefit to [the Crew]. There’s no doubt in my mind about that.” 

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