Saturday, October 5, 2019

Soccer and Team Name Scramble

St. Louis is seeking input from the crowd:
The ball moves fast in today's MLS.

Maybe one day something will culminate in Detroit or Arizona, such as the Drive or Arsenal.
Traditional names are okay, but they can also be played out.  If another team lands in Texas, I'm all about the unconventional, like some American smartassness such as Texas Divided.  Missouri Divided may be a bit much for St. Louis, and Sporting is an alliteration stolen by its cross state rival, but I also dig one-word tagging a town's team.  GATEWAY would be the bees' knees.  Or Midway.  Or Expedition.  What about something cool for Charlotte one day such as Air Charlotte?  Team Carolina.  There is always city-name insert animal_________.

Say my name.  Say a name.
Am I a baseball traditionalist unwilling to deviate from the standard naming in the smaller sport of roundball?  Do I have a single unconventional team name suggestion for future baseball.  Baseball really is the only sport without regional name, so something cool like New England will be Boston's future NL team.  A common expansion theme in my blog is two-place teams.  Tennessee Sounds would be a great MLB team splitting home camp time in Memphis and Nashville.  Southland Band would be a neat name for a Nashville Charlotte connection/collaborative.

For the NHL I've mentioned the success of the ice game in Atlanta splitting time w/ Austin as the Southlakes Fisherman.  Or Truckers.  Think about that wide swath of geographic viewership, but especially apparel sales.

Seattle NHL.  St. Louis and Austin soccer.  Your future second team.  Whatcha' got?

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