Sunday, November 5, 2017

Major League Baseball 2100

In my 2050 post, I listed the following.
Carolina Truckers
Portland Express
Monterrey Mexican Rays
Montreal Expos

And that has the obvious ones covered.  A stadium open-mouthed kiss in making up with Montreal, whose history touches Jackie Robinson.  And the longstanding gaps of Portland and Charlotte.

MLB 2100
Being 80 years of a leap into the future, we can cozy up with Mexico City.
And maybe Havana.
And the Puerto Rican brand in San Juan.
And since we're feeling far, Vancouver will be in there.

Oklahoma City will be able to take on the Rangers and Royals.
Nashville could be in on it with New Orleans.  And we know there are people there waiting.
I've beat the drum on my blog aplenty for combining a city with Las Vegas for the West Coast A's.  And dropping Tampa full-time for more part-time again, the Florida Marlins with the other coast Florida town.

Will Omaha be bolstered up?  Same league with Boise, Albuquerque, and SLC?

I've got to think the ocean leap will happen at the same time or just a touch of time after Mexico City.
So, will we be lined up with Asia and the Aussies?  Tokyo, Seoul and Sydney.  A flotilla stadium in Hong Kong or Beijing?

Then London, Paris and Berlin?

Will it be 2150 or 2200 Africa?

We suppose that would indicate a forward world.


Tiered Map of the Next Expansions: MLB

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