Maybe not.

Look, I keep an effortlessly passive eye on sports, and I don't know much about soccer. It's the world sport. I'm a world studies dude, a certifiably geography dude,... and I'm ignorant to the one ball fury that isn't basketball, worldwide.
In fact, that we're not world caliber in our understanding or awe of soccer feetball, probably helps encourage us to play as opposed to intimidating those of us who didn't get a youthful start with the game.
Are we fixated on this number of at least 30 teams? Even golden MLB didn't get to that seeming benchmark until about the turn of last century.
Hub it in Las Vegas. Spend time in Oakland, or at least San Diego. Maybe even in Phoenix or Tucson until there's an Arizona Alliance down the road. Cover more ground with less franchises, because, after all, the concern is that quantity will water down quality.
I like bigger brands with quality names. When St. Louis comes to be, call it simply
GATEWAY. What cities would make a good
East Coast combination? At least some scrimmage in Jacksonville and Norfolk? Call them the
Fleet. A couple places of play could be had for
Texas Excited. Or
Divided. I was all about a Divided brand as
Ohio Divided playing between both NFL stadiums in Ohio, but now Cleveland is lonely. But what if Indian Country links up with Brewer Nation for the
Great Lakes Fleet or Navy? Throw in Rochester for that mix. Tag in Detroit till something like the Detroit Arsenal takes shape. Think of that, Gilbert? Appalachia Bootleggers United....On and on.
I even like the sound of a Gold Coast Ghosts tagging between Sacramento and San Diego. Or call them California Boat Crew. On and on.